Copper oxychloride is used as a pesticide intermediate.
ADVANTAGE:1.Copper is the component or activator of many enzymes in crops, which is related to the REDOX reaction and respiration in crops. In fat metabolism, the desaturation and hydroxylation of lipase require the catalysis of copper-containing enzymes. Since copper plays an important role in the metabolism of main substances in crops, copper application can significantly improve crop growth and achieve high yield.
2.Copper participates in photosynthesis Copper is a lipid component in chloroplasts, combines with organic matter to form copper protein, participates in photosynthesis, enhances the stability of chlorophyll and other plant pigments, and promotes the formation of chlorophyll. Copper deficiency in crops reduces chlorophyll content.
3.Copper involved in protein and carbohydrate metabolism can promote amino acid activation and protein synthesis, and affect the symbiotic nitrogen fixation of rhizobia.
4.Copper can promote the development of flower organs. As the activator of nitrite reductase and subnitrite reductase, copper participates in the nitric acid reduction process in crops. Copper is also a reducing agent of amine oxidase, which plays a catalytic oxidation deamination role and affects protein synthesis. In the process of crop reproductive growth, copper can also promote the transport of nitrogen-containing compounds in vegetative organs to reproductive organs. Copper deficiency obviously affects the reproductive growth of gramineous crops. In the absence of copper, the yield of straw was higher, but the yield of straw could not bear fruit.
5.Copper plays an important role in lignin synthesis. Copper deficiency in crops can lead to the obstruction of the synthesis of technical quality, the dysplasia of sachyma and delivery tissues, the softening of supporting tissues, and the deterioration of water transport in crops. Copper can promote the lignification and polymer synthesis of plant cell wall, thereby increasing the ability of plant to resist pathogen invasion.